Command Line Tools and Floating IPs =================================== .. _commandline: In addition to the OSDC console, there are a number of command line tools to manage virtual machines and cloud settings. The OpenStack tools have a variety of names, the primary one being 'nova'. On Sullivan and the protected data clouds we do recommend using the OpenStack tools because they have a number of nice features. This page will describe some of the more common tasks, more details can be found on the `OpenStack `_ site. List Images -------------- OpenStack: ``nova image-list`` List Instance Types (Flavors) ------------------------------ OpenStack: ``nova flavor-list`` List Keypairs -------------- OpenStack: ``nova keypair-list`` Start Instances ------------------- OpenStack: ``nova boot --image --flavor --key_name `` The --user_data ~/ provides the credentials to your VM to mount the GlusterFS share. On Sullivan you can also manually mount /glusterfs after the fact by running '/cloudconf/mount-glusterfs $USERNAME'. The password is located in your home directory at "smbpassword.txt" List Instances ------------------ OpenStack: ``nova list`` Terminate Instances ---------------------- OpenStack: ``nova delete `` Create OSDC Images -------------------- OpenStack ~~~~~~~~~ On the OpenStack clouds to create an image/snapshot: ``nova image-create `` It's a good idea to make the new image name informative. By default the new images are private and can only be seen by you. To make images public: ``glance update is_public=true image_type=snapshot`` Floating IPs ------------ Floating IPs are currently only available on the Sullivan cloud and in limited quantities. Please contact `support `_ if you wish to obtain a floating IP. Assign Floating IP to a VM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Run ``nova list`` to get the VM's ID * Find free Floating IP with 'nova floating-ip-list' * Add IP to VM with ``nova add-floating-ip
`` Remove Floating IP from a VM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Run ``nova list`` to get the VM's ID * Remove IP from VM with ``nova remove-floating-ip
`` Open Ports ~~~~~~~~~~~ The default security policy is already set to allow 22, 80 and 443 in this fashion:: nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22 nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 80 80 nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 443 443 nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1