SSH - Managing Keys and Connections =================================== What is SSH? ----------------- .. sidebar:: What is an SSH key? *From Archlinux* `Wiki `_: SSH keys serve as a means of identifying yourself to an SSH server using public-key cryptography. One immediate advantage this method has over traditional password authentication is that you can be authenticated by the server without ever having to send your password over the network. As well as offering additional security, SSH key authentication can be more convenient than the more traditional password authentication. When used with a program known as an SSH agent, SSH keys can allow you to connect to a server, or multiple servers, without having to remember or enter your password for each system. We sometimes call the public facing version a "pubkey." Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication, remote command-line login, remote command execution, and other secure network services between two networked computers. SSH is a UNIX-based command interface and protocol for securely getting access to a remote computer. .. _managekeypair: Managing SSH Keys ----------------- Users access OSDC login nodes and virtual machines through SSH using keypair authentication. Before launching a virtual machine you must import a public key or create a new keypair. To mange your keypairs login to the console and go to `Access & Security `_ in the console. Key pairs are SSH key pairs. When you launch a VM, you will choose what key pair to inject into the VM. Creating Keypairs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To create a keypair click "Create Keypair" name the keypair then select the resource. Click "Create Keypair" then Download keypair on the download page. When you download a key pair, the private key will automatically download to your desktop -- this is the only copy of the private key, so if you lose it, you won't be able to access your VMs with that key any more. .. warning:: Your private key is as important as a password. It should not be shared with other members in your group, emailed to collaborators, etc. Please take all necessary precautions to protect your private ssh key. EXAMPLE: Creating Keypairs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Click "Create Keypair" * In "Keypair Name" enter "osdc_keypair", for example. * Under "Resources" select "All Resources" * Click "Create Keypair" .. figure:: _static/create_keypair.png :alt: Create Keypair Dialog with Choices Made Enter the Keypair Details * Launch and instance and select the keypair "osdc_keypair". * If you are using OpenSSH (see :doc:`/ssh` for other SSH clients) ``ssh-add osdc_keypair.pem`` * ``ssh -A`` to access the login node. * SSH to your vm ``ssh -A ubuntu@``. If you are not launching instances on the Sullivan cloud replace with the hostname of that cloud and replace ubuntu as shown in :doc:`/quickstart` Importing Keys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To import a public key click "Import Keypair". Enter a name for the keypair then paste the OpenSSH format text of the public key into the Public Key field. The public key text must all be on one line. Then select the resource you will use this keypair to access. Differences Between Protected Clouds and Public Clouds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On public clouds such as Sullivan you must have a keypair for your virtual machine instances. On protected clouds your home directory is shared between the login nodes and the virtual machines. On both public and protect clouds you will need a keypair for the login server. On protected clouds you can use this same keypair to access VMs using SSH key forwarding. VIDEO: Managing Pubkeys ------------------------ .. raw:: html

.. _ssh-linux: Linux/OSX --------- Loading your private key into an SSH agent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _ssh-linux-agent: Using chmod to update permissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you generated your key using the Tukey console and are using Linux/OSX, you'll want to run ``chmod 600 .pem`` in order to change the default permissions for the key. When originally generated it has default permissions of 644 meaning group and other have permission to read (user: 6, group: 4, other: 4 -> where 4: read, 2: write, 1: execute and 6=4+2 - read and write). You'll want to be the only user with read and write permissions. Adding a key to your ssh-agent on LINUX/OSX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you can load your key into ssh-agent you must ensure it is running. On OSX this is automatic, on Linux you may need to do it manually or with a :ref:`script `. To load your key into the ssh-agent simply run ``ssh-add ~/.ssh/``. If you password protected your private key you will be asked to enter the password. By default keyname will be either ``~/.ssh/id_dsa`` or ``~/.ssh/id_rsa``. You will most likely need to run this command each time you start a terminal/cli session. If you are on OSX you can add this key to your OSX key ring by running ``ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/``. If you password protected your private key you will be asked this once for the password. Everytime you open a new terminal window, OSX will auto populate the ssh keys you saved via ``ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/``. You can view your currently loaded keys with :ref:`ssh-add -l `. .. _ssh-agent-script: Script to Auto start the ssh agent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are using a Desktop Environment (KDE/GNOME/XFCE) then it most likely is handling your ssh-agent/keyring. However if yours does not, or your ssh key exists on an another server you can use the below script in your ``.bashrc`` file to auto start the agent. Once started you still need to :ref:`add your keys `. If you are not using bash as your shell then you will need to modify as needed to fit your preferred environment. You may also wish to try `keychain `_. .. code-block:: bash SSH_ENV="$HOME/.ssh/environment" alias ssh="ssh -A" function start_agent { echo "Initializing new SSH agent..." /usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > "${SSH_ENV}" echo succeeded chmod 600 "${SSH_ENV}" . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null /usr/bin/ssh-add; } # Source SSH settings, if applicable if [ -f "${SSH_ENV}" ]; then . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null #ps ${SSH_AGENT_PID} doesn't work under cywgin ps -ef | grep ${SSH_AGENT_PID} | grep ssh-agent$ > /dev/null || start_agent; else start_agent; fi .. _display-agent-keys: Showing keys loaded into your agent on Linux/OSX/etc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Running the ``ssh-add -l`` command will display all keys currently loaded into your ssh agent. Run this command from a shell (if not using putty) before ssh'ing into the login node to confirm that your key is properly loaded. Run it again once you have ssh'ed into the login node to confirm the key has properly forwarded. If you do not see the key showing up on the login node, you will not be able to access your started Virtual Machines. Example Output .. code-block:: bash #ssh-add -l 1024 1a:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:f1 /Users/JohnSmith/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA)` .. _ssh-key-forwarding: Enabling SSH key forwarding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once your agent is configured you need to enable forwarding. You can use any one of the below methods. * Open the ``ssh_config`` file located globally at ``/etc/ssh/ssh_config`` or locally at ``~/.ssh/config``. If this file does not exist under ``~/.ssh/`` then create it. Add the following line ``ForwardAgent yes`` to this file. All new connections will use forwarding. * When ssh'ing to the login node, use the ``-A`` flag. This turns on forwarding on a case by case basis. IF you have multiple login nodes that you are transversing, you will need to use the ``-A`` flag for all hops. Example: ``ssh -A`` * Alias ``ssh -A`` as ``ssh`` via your shells preferred method. On bash you can ``ALIAS ssh='ssh -A'``. Preventing X-Forwarding Timeout ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For long pipelines that take a while to run and rely on window forwarding, you can change the timeout duration by adding ``ForwardX11Timeout 7d`` (for 7 day timeout) in your .ssh/config and using the -Y flag when ssh'ing. .. _ssh-windows: Windows ------- .. _ssh-windows-puttygen: Convert OpenSSH key to Putty ppk format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pageant.exe uses a different format then openssh for its keys. We will need to convert the key to the ppk format. #. Start PuttyGen.exe #. Click ``Conversions``, then Click ``Import Key`` #. Select the key you created and saved. A screen will update extracting details from your key. If your key is passworded you will need to manually enter the pass phrase next to ``Key passphrase`` and ``Confirm passphrase``. #. Click ``Save private key`` #. This will now save the private key in a format understandable by Pageant .. figure:: _static/puttygen.png :alt: PuttyGen.exe main screen :align: center .. _ssh-windows-pageant: Start Pageant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Start Pageant.exe #. If the key is not listed in ``Pageant Key List``, Click ``Add``, then add the ppk file that you created ref:`above `. If it is already listed simply minimize Pageant. .. figure:: _static/pageant.png :alt: Pageant.exe import screen :align: center .. _ssh-windows-putty: Configuring Putty to use SSH Key Forwarding and Pageant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Open Putty .. figure:: _static/putty.png :alt: Putty.exe main screen :align: center #. Set ``Host Name (or IP address)`` to the hostname of the target login server provided to you. Port will be the default ``22`` #. On the left side is a tree of available options called ``Category``. Locate ``Connection`` and expand it, and select ``Data``. Then enter your OSDC username in the ``username`` field. #. Return to the ``Connection`` category, locate ``SSH`` and expand it then select Auth. #. Make sure the checkboxes for "Attempt authentication using Pageant" and "Allow agent forwarding” are selected. Select them if not .. figure:: _static/putty-config-auth.png :alt: Putty.exe config auth screen :align: center #. Return to the ``Session`` category and enter a name for this session under ``Saved Sessions``, then click save. From now on you need only ``Load`` this session to have all the proper settings preset. Troubleshooting your ssh connections ------------------------------------ Can you not ssh to the Login nodes? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Have you created/uploaded your ssh key pairs via web console: :ref:`Managing Keypairs` ? #. Have you loaded your private key into a ssh agent? :ref:`Linux/OSX ` :ref:`Windows ` ? Can you not ssh to your running VM? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Ensure that you have loaded your keys in your agent. :ref:`Linux/OSX ` or :ref:`Windows ` ? #. Ensure that you have enabled ssh key forwarding :ref:`Linux/OSX ` or :ref:`Windows ` ? #. :ref:`Is the ssh key showing up as forwarded on the login node `?